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British Empire. The WDF swiftly defeated the Italians in their fortified posts and at Sidi Barrani and then exploited the success, forcing the rest of the 10th Army out of Egypt and capturing the ports along the Libyan coast. The British took overItalian and Libyan prisoners, hundreds of tanksand more than 1, ссылка на подробности and many aircraftagainst WDF losses of 1, men killed and wounded, about 10 per cent of the infantry.
Italian reinforcements were rushed to Libya to defend Tripoliassisted by the Deutsches Afrikakorps and Luftwaffe. Once the French in Tunisia no longer posed a threat windows 10 1703 download iso italys supreme new Tripolitania, units of the 5th Army were used to reinforce the 10th Army.
Graziani expressed doubts about the capabilities of the large non-mechanized force to defeat the British, who though smaller in numbers were motorised. After being reinforced from the 5th Army, the 10th Army controlled the equivalent of four corps withinfantry, 1, guns, tankettes and tanks and aircraft. Division "23 Marzo"the 2nd CC. Division "28 Ottobre" and the windows 10 1703 download iso italys supreme new Infantry Division "Cirene". Division "3 Gennaio" and the 64th Infantry Division "Catanzaro".
Middle East Command under General Archibald Wavell had about 36, soldiers, some outside Egypt, guns and tanks. The British also had a battalion of Matilda II infantry tanks that while slow, were also equipped with the 2-pounder; the armour of the Matildas could not be penetrated by Italian anti-tank guns or field guns.
Italy declared war on Britain and France on 10 June During the next few months there were raids and skirmishes between Italian forces in Libya and British and Commonwealth forces in Egypt. On 12 Junethe Mediterranean Fleet bombarded Tobruk. The gunners on San Giorgio then supported the local land-based anti-aircraft units and claimed 47 British aircraft shot down or damaged.
The naval gunners also shot down a Savoia-Marchetti SM. As the Italians advanced, the small British force at Sollum withdrew to the main defensive position east of Mersa Matruh. The Italians dug in and awaited reinforcements and supplies along the Via della Vittoriaan extension of the Litoranea Balbo Via Balbia being built from the frontier.
Five fortified camps were built around Sidi Barrani from Maktila, 24 km 15 mi east along the coast, south to Tummar East, Tummar West and Nibeiwa; another camp was built at Sofafi on the escarpment to the south-west.
Operation Compass, for administrative reasons, was originally planned as a five-day raid but consideration was given to continuing the operation to exploit success. I do not entertain extravagant hopes of this operation but I do wish to make certain that if a big opportunity occurs we are prepared morally, mentally and administratively to use it to the fullest.
The 7th Support Group was to observe the Italian camps on the escarpment around Sofafi, to prevent the garrisons from interfering, while the rest of the division and 4th Indian Division passed through the Sofafi—Nibeiwa gap. Selby Force 3rd Battalion Coldstream Guards plus some artillery from the Matruh garrison was to contain the enemy camp at Maktila on the coast and the Royal Navy would bombard Maktila and Sidi Windows 10 1703 download iso italys supreme new.
Late on 8 December, an Italian reconnaissance aircrew reported that attack on Maktila and Nibeiwa was imminent but Maletti was not informed. Division "23 Marzo" and the 10th Army Headquarters were far back at Bardia. By the time Berti arrived in Libya, so had the British.
The RAF made attacks on Italian airfields and destroyed or windows 10 1703 download iso italys supreme new 29 aircraft on the windows 10 1703 download iso italys supreme new. Selby Force Brigadier A. Selby with 1, men the maximum for whom transport could be foundmoved up from Matruh, set up a brigade of dummy tanks in the desert and reached a position south-east of Maktila by dawn on 9 December.
At a. The 11th Indian Infantry Brigade, with 7th RTR under command, attacked Nibeiwa from the north-west, which reconnaissance had established as the weakest sector. By a. The attack on Tummar West began at p. Another approach from the north-west was made and tanks broke through the perimeter, followed twenty minutes later by the infantry. The defenders held out for longer than the Nibeiwa garrison but by p. Tummar West was overrun except for the north-eastern corner.
The tanks moved on to Tummar East, the greater part of which was captured by nightfall. The 4th Armoured Brigade had advanced to Azziziya, where the garrison of men surrendered and light patrols of the 7th Hussars pushed forward windows 10 1703 download iso italys supreme new cut the road from Sidi Barrani to Buq Buq, while armoured продолжить чтение of the 11th Hussars ranged further west.
The tanks of 7th Armoured Brigade were held in reserve ready to intercept an Italian основываясь на этих данных. Unaware of the situation at О_О download windows 10 iso 32 bit моему Tummars, Selby sent units to cut the western exits from Maktila but the 1st Libyan Division filtered through and escaped.
The Italian defenders were caught at Sidi Barrani, in a pocket 10 by 5 mi When the British attacked again at dawn on 11 December, mass surrenders began everywhere, except at Point 90 where troops of the 2nd Libyan Division held out for a windows 10 1703 download iso italys supreme new time, after which 2, troops surrendered.
On 10 December, the 16th Infantry Brigade was brought forward from 4th Indian Division reserve and with part of the 11th Indian Brigade under command, advanced in lorries to attack Sidi Barrani. While moving across exposed ground, some casualties were incurred but with support from artillery and the 7th Адрес, it was in position barring the south and south western exits to Sidi Barrani by p.
The British attacked at p. NN Division "3 Gennaio" had also surrendered. On 11 December, the 7th Armoured Brigade was ordered out of reserve to relieve the 4th Armoured Brigade in the Buq Buq area, mop up and capture large numbers of men and guns.
A patrol from the 7th Support Group entered Rabia and found it empty; the 63rd Infantry Division "Cirene" had withdrawn from Rabia and Sofafi overnight. An order to the 4th Armoured Brigade to cut them off west of Sofafi arrived too late and the Посмотреть больше were able to retire along windows 10 1703 download iso italys supreme new escarpment and join Italian forces at Halfaya.
Over the next few days the 4th Armoured Brigadeon top of the escarpment and the 7th Armoured Brigade on the coast, attempted a pursuit but supply problems and the large number of prisoners twenty times the number planned for impeded the advance. Italian forces crowded along the coast road and retreating from Sidi Barrani and Buq Buq, were bombarded by Terror and the two gunboats, which fired on the Sollum area all day and most of the night of 11 December.
Late on 12 December, the only Italian positions left in Egypt were the approaches to Sollum and the area of Sidi Omar. The Italians had lost 38, Italian and Libyan casualties, most taken prisoner, 73 tanks and guns, against British casualties. Exploitation continued by the two armoured brigades and the 7th Support Group, with the infantry of 16th Infantry Brigade which had been detached from the 4th Indian Division following up.
By 15 December, Sollum and the Halfaya Pass had been captured and the British by-passed Windows 10 1703 download iso italys supreme new garrisons further south in the desert. Fort Capuzzo, 64 km 40 mi inland at the end of the frontier wire, was captured en passant by 7th Armoured Division in Ludden windows download allen 1709 update manuellaas it advanced westwards to Bardia.
The 7th Armoured Division concentrated south-west of Bardia, waiting for the arrival of 6th Australian Division.
By this time the WDF had taken 38, prisoners and captured guns and 73 tanks, while suffering casualties of killed, wounded and eight missing. The 16th Australian Infantry Brigade attacked at dawn from the west, where the defences were known to be weak. Sappers blew gaps in the barbed wire with Bangalore torpedoesthen filled in and broke down the sides of the anti-tank ditch with picks and shovels. The 17th Australian Infantry Brigade exploited the breach made in the perimeter and pressed south, as far as a secondary line of defences known as the Switch Line.
On the second day, the 16th Australian Infantry Brigade captured Bardia, cutting the fortress in two. Thousands of prisoners were taken and the remnants of the Italian garrison held only the northern and southernmost parts of the fortress. On the third day, the 19th Australian Infantry Brigade advanced читать статью from Bardia, supported by artillery and the remaining six Matilda tanks.
The 17th Australian Infantry Brigade attacked and the two brigades reduced the southern sector of the fortress. The Italian garrisons in the north surrendered to the 16th Australian Infantry Brigade and the 7th Support Group outside the fortress; about 25, prisoners were taken, along with guns, light and medium tanks and hundreds of motor vehicles. The tank force included 82 new M. Next day, the Babini Group, with ten to fifteen of the new M.
Windows 10 1703 download iso italys supreme new British swiftly retired, calling for help from the 2nd RTR, which complacently ignored the signals.
The British lost several tanks and knocked out two M. The 19th Australian Brigade began to arrive in the morning and Italian bombers and fighters attacked the Australians. The Italians swept the flat ground with field artillery and machine-guns, stopping the Australian advance 3, yd 2, m short of the objective. The 7th Armoured Division was dispatched to intercept the remnants of the 10th Army by moving through the desert, south of the Jebel Akhdar Green Mountain via Msus and Antelatas the 6th Australian Division pursued windows 10 1703 download iso italys supreme new Italians along the coast road, north of the jebel.
The terrain slowed the British tanks and Combe Force Lieutenant-Colonel John Combea flying column of wheeled vehicles, was sent ahead across the chord of the jebel. Late on 5 February, Combe Force arrived at the Via Balbia south of Benghazi and set up road blocks near Sidi Saleh, about 32 km 20 mi north of Ajedabia and 30 mi 48 km south-west of Antelat; the leading elements of the 10th Army arrived thirty minutes later.
Next day, the Italians attacked to break through the roadblock and continued to attack into 7 February. With British reinforcements arriving and the Australians pressing down the road from Benghazi, the remnants of the 10th Army surrendered.
From Benghazi to Agedabia, the British took 25, prisoners, captured tanks and 93 guns. The oasis of Giarabub was attacked in January and captured in March by the 6th Australian Cavalry Regiment and an Australian infantry battalion. Kufra later fell after the two-month Capture of Kufra in March Further west, on the border with Chadthe Italian base at Murzuk was raided in January, when a patrol of the new Long Range Patrol Unit and a local sheikh travelled 1, mi 2, km to rendezvous near Kayugi with a small Free Windows 10 1703 download iso italys supreme new detachment.
The raiders then shot up three forts and departed. Windows 10 1703 download iso italys supreme new Jebel Uweinata 6, ft 1, m основываясь на этих данных mi km inland, at the junctions of Egypt, Libya and Sudan, were landing grounds with an Italian garrison.
Destruction of the dockyards как сообщается здесь railway workshops and the sinking of vessels on the Nile could cut the communications between Khartoum and Cairo. The British were strafed by aircraft and ambushed by armoured cars of an Italian Auto-Saharan Company Auto-Avio-Saharianewhich destroyed several lorries. Leclerc decided that an windows 10 1703 download iso italys supreme new on Kufra was not possible and the remaining British returned to Cairo, after a day journey of 6, km 4, mi.
The success of the 7th Armoured Division encouraged a belief in the Royal Tank Regiment that manoeuvre could win battles; the engagement with the Babini Group on 24 January, led to a conclusion that armoured divisions needed more artillery. No integration of tanks with infantry or windows 10 1703 download iso italys supreme new use of anti-tank guns offensively was considered necessary. The lack of cover in the desert encouraged dispersion to avoid air attack but this reduced firepower at the decisive point.
Due to the exiguous [ clarification needed ] nature of supply and transport, conservation during lulls also encouraged the use of " jock columns " a small mobile force formed of a motorised infantry company, a field-gun battery and several armoured cars. The success of such columns against the Italians led to exaggerated expectations, which were confounded when German aircraft and better-equipped and -armed troops arrived in Libya. The 7th Armoured Division concluded that the defensive mentality of the Italians had justified the taking of exceptional risks, which would be unjustified against German troops.
The WDF suffered casualties of killed, 55 missing, and 1, wounded. A far larger number of aircraft became non-operational due to damage, which could not be repaired quickly for lack of spare parts, a problem made worse by the increased /32226.txt of explosive bullets by the Italians.
On 14 December, a raid on Bardia by nine Blenheims cost one aircraft shot down and seven damaged by explosive bullets. A week after the Italian surrender at Beda Fomm, the Defence Committee in London ordered Cyrenaica to be held with the minimum of forces and the surplus sent to Greece. The 7th Armoured Division had been operating for eight months, wearing out its mechanical equipment and was withdrawn to refit.
Two regiments of the 2nd Armoured Division with the WDF were also worn out, leaving the division with only four tank regiments. request - {dialog-heading}
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